Level Codes
Sorry you’re having trouble with your saved game! This page should show you the steps to reload a clean save from a nearby spot.
Optional Step: Start a new game
If you can’t reach the menu because of the state of your game, sadly you will need to start a new one first. Go through the opening section until you are able to control the wisp. The menu button should then be available.
Finding the Reload Screen
Press the Menu Button, then Settings, then Reload Game. You should then see a place to enter a debug code.
Entering Your Code
The codes for the first half of the game are listed below. Pick the one that is closest to the last level you remember playing.
100: Takes you to the very start
101: The wisp arrives on Compass Island
102: Syb arrives at Slugwood Shores
103: The team arrives at Makeout Temple
104: Arrival at Port Chumpus
105: The team arrives at Halcyon Tavern
106: The team returns to the Temple
RCAP: A special scene that takes place right after leaving the temple, where the characters discuss the events of the early game. Skipped during normal play.
107: Begins immediately after leaving the Temple.
Known issue for code 107: Some Guildlings will be missing at the start of the cutscene. The issue should resolve right after.
LZOK: Starts from the Guildhall, with the option to travel.
108: The team arrives at Lawnhenge.
BTXA: Starts from the Lawnhenge Guildhall.